Texas DPS Online LTC Class

Texas DPS Online LTC Class

May 6, 2023 9:43 am
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Here are some tips for taking the Texas DPS online LTC class:

  • Take the class at your own pace. Take the online class at your own pace, so you can fit it into your busy schedule.
  • Pay attention to the material. The online course covers important safety information, so it is important to pay attention to the material.
  • Ask questions if you have any (contact us via the contact information below). If you have any questions about the material, be sure to ask.
  • Practice, practice, practice.  Practice with your handgun. You want to do this before the proficiency demonstration if at all possible. This will help you feel more comfortable with the handgun and improve your accuracy.

Contact us if you have any questions about the Texas LTC, or on conceal carry (ataylor@infocus-training.com or call 281-744-1776).

Online Texas LTC Class

In Focus Training Offers the approved Online Texas LTC Class. The class is four hours in length and is straight forward, ending with an exam. Upon completing this exam come out with us and complete your proficiency test.

Satisfied Customer

“Mr. Taylor was impeccably professional when my initial experience there caused me to have a high level of anxieties and discomfort. He patiently and calmly talked to me and assured me I was ok. His professionalism helped me to find a calmness withing myself and confidence to complete the Range/ Safety Briefing and Shooting Proficiency Test. I would 100 percent recommend Mr. Anthony Taylor for training anyone in the LTC Course and the Range/Safety Briefing and Shooting Proficiency Test. He is an Excellent Instructor!”

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